Hello and welcome to the collection of images by VTPHOTOGRAPHY!
Born and raised in the Philadelphia area, I am a self-taught photographer capturing landscapes of our great planet. I began in the year 2000 with a small point and shoot digital camera. As I began to learn the technical aspects of photography, my gear eventually graduated to a DSLR (digital single lens reflex) camera. It was then I further honed my technical understanding and passion for photography. I have always found a great connection to our surrounding landscape and the amazing light it provides. My goal is to be in places with a camera where nobody else can get the same image at the same time. That's why each image is unique. I am out well before sunrise and stay well after sunset. It means sacrificing some sleep and solid meals, but, it's well worth it when I look at the images I capture.
I truly hope you enjoy viewing my images as much as I have bringing them to you. Perhaps this site will inspire you to pick up your camera and shoot. Perhaps it will inspire you to take a few moments out of your day for a break and look at great images. Perhaps it will encourage you to visit our great National Parks system on your next vacation!
A few years ago, I began collecting old cameras to sit on my shelf and being surrounded by the hobby I enjoy. Well, that curiosity turned into putting film into one of my old box cameras. I got an image!! From there, I began to collect more cameras and now shoot all different formats of film...35mm, medium format, and large format (4x5).
In recent years, I began practicing wet plate collodion. Wet plate is the second form of photography invented and still lives on to this day. This process yields a handmade, one-of-a-kind image which will last for over 170+ years. It is estimated there are less than 1,000 wet plate photographers worldwide; and I'm proud to be one of them. You can find my gallery through the banner, book a session, and find out where I'll be next.
The collection of all my images contain images from many destinations, so please take some time to enjoy them. Many of these photos adorn the walls of my home and others. If you are interested in ordering prints for your personal collection or business use, please use the online fulfillment feature on this website. You can customize your order as needed. If you would like to request a photo not in my current online gallery, please contact me.
I will be updating the galleries as more photography is created. Please bookmark or follow me on Instagram @thevtphotography for updates. If you have any questions or comments, please email me at [email protected]. Thank you for visiting and come back soon!
Bill Vitiello ~ vtphotography
~photo above by Susan Vitiello~
Use of any image as the basis for another photographic concept or illustration (digital, artist rendering or alike) is a violation of the United States and International Copyright laws. All images are copyrighted ©Bill Vitiello - vtphotography